Thank you so much for taking out time to attend the Great Indian Learning Festival #GILF2021 at Sunbeam Suncity, Varanasi, it was magical, wasn’t it?
We hope you had an interesting and enriching experience.
Unlike conferences, the Great Indian Learning Festival #GILF2021 with the learnings also focused on celebrating the resilience, grit, and innovation shown by the education community. It concluded with a lot to chew on, and a whole lot of things to put into action.
There are lots of pictures and videos obviously. You can access all the photos on our Flickr account now.
You can view and download the speaker presentations (the ones we are allowed to share) here.
As a reminder of your experience at the Expo, we have compiled a list of all our partners present at #GILF2021 along with a summary of their offerings. You will find this here, feel free to reach out to them for your organisational needs.